Our Future Is Female: Feminine Forward Leadership

In celebrating those who have walked before us, and paved the way for the advancement of women’s rights we now enjoy today, it is striking how much is still yet to be accomplished.  

While the mid-terms of 2018 saw an unprecedented rise in women in the United States’ government (23.2% in the House & 25% in the Senate) that is still a far cry from parity as women make up over 50% of the American population.  

In terms of having a female leader, the U.S. lags behind almost every other industrialized nation and a few third world countries in having never, including again in this election cycle, elevated a woman to the highest office in our country.   

This is all well known news…the latest example of this the wide field of women who were running for the Democratic nominee for President all dropped from the race; one by one.   

The real question becomes….how do we move forward from where we are now?  When does it become “not a risk” to elect a woman to lead?  How do we end, for good, the objectification and nullification of women?  

Here are five (5) ways businesses and communities can work to support the elevation of their daughters, granddaughters, sisters, mothers, and partners to positions of power and responsibility: 

  1. LISTEN - too often girls’ and women’s voices are silenced.  With added attention to those voices, it will become apparent that women can and do have something important to say.  Don’t Shut Women Up! 

  2. COLLABORATE - bring more women and people of color into the mix in whatever endeavor you are trying to achieve; from the PTA to the New York Stock Exchange and every non-profit organization and corporate business endeavor in between. Embracing diversity of thought and experience will enhance and grow your organization.  Don’t Limit Your Ideation Pool! 

  3. EMPOWER - women (& men) in power need to encourage and mentor other women to climb the corporate ladder.  Do not fall into the “crabs in the bucket” trap, pulling down the one that gets ahead.  And, to borrow a move from the “good ‘ole boys network”…Reach Down and Give Someone Behind You a Hand Up! 

  4. NETWORK - to further the idea of empowerment; women must continue to build our networks; bring more women “in” and support our collective voice by moving women to the forefront of any business or organization.  Create a Support System to Succeed! 

  5. VOTE - women will become elected when we elect them to be in office!  Whether it is to head an Executive Board, the PTA, or to be the President of the United States.  We Must Persist to Persevere! 

Women add so much to the equation when added to the formula.  Women are powerful, fearless, and capable.  We (all women and the men who support them) must not be afraid of the independence of women, but instead embrace that power, thoroughly and encourage female leadership.

Whatever you are trying to accomplish in your life’s journey, the advent of the perspective of women can and will bring you a higher level of success!  

A quick anecdotal story; in the Philippines, pre-Spanish conquest, the villages of the islands were run by one priest and one priestess.  The people believed in the duality of the masculine and feminine of human nature.  There was an innate understanding that the power of the two combined was greater than that of the singular. 

In a world becoming more and more fractured, now is the perfect time to not only celebrate women for International Women’s Day, but every day commit to a greater understanding of the benefits of feminine forward leadership. We must all encourage awareness of the critical importance women can and will play in healing our fractured world. 

Empower the women in your life, today!   And, know that this particular woman is eternally grateful for all those who have walked before her, all who will come after, and the incredible sacrifices they have made and will make to create a more equitable world! 

Happy International Women’s Day!  

KONCEPT MANAGMENT LLC is a woman run consulting company maximizing productivity through creativity!


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