Weathering Disruption: Leading Through COVID-19

You are responsible! As a Business Owner, C-Suite Executive, or Management / Team Leader, you are responsible for successfully leading your team through the disruption of the COVID-19 crisis.

So, what now???

It has often been said, that leading in times of crisis is the true test of any great leader. In ancient times, more of our daily life was typically "unknown" and so our ancestors were, on average, better prepared for the unexpected. They trained as warriors and had roles for each member of the community in case of enemy invasion.

However, the unseen enemies; virus, plague, and illness are harder to combat.

With COVID-19, recently categorized by the World Health Organization as a pandemic, and declared a National Emergency by the President, we have entered a time frame when all those in positions of responsibility and power must channel their inner warrior to weather this major global disruption.

This is not an isolated incident nor is it, "yet", a finite situation.

It will require all of your leadership capabilities.

  1. What then is your responsibility as someone who needs to lead your team through the challenge?

  2. How best to accomplish an effective leadership role?

  3. How to know what is the best answer to your questions? And, those of your team?

  4. Where do you go to find the information you need?

  5. What/when/how do you communicate that information to your team?

  6. How do you keep your business afloat until there does come an end to the disruption?

  7. What will be left when all is said and done?

  8. How do you keep the disruption from totally disrupting your business? Permanently!

In today's "information overload" era, facing "danger" is less of an expectation than for our ancient counterparts. We are all a bit less prepared to deal with the unexpected, and therefore, uncertainty if not outright panic ensues.

Panic, uncertainty, fear...these are the true enemies of effective leadership.

So, here is a brief "Tips & Tricks Checklist" in leadership for those facing this emergency head on. It is by no means a comprehensive guide, but it will give you some steps to take and to refer back to when you feel like you need a reminder.

1. FACE IT CALMLY - Calm cannot be emphasized enough!

    • The "face" you wear to those under your supervision and who rely on you for guidance need to see a calm, reassuring face.

    • Even if you feel uncertainty, panic, or fear, my best advice is to "fake it, 'til you make it". IF you believe that you can handle this, they will believe it too, and eventually, you will start to believe it fully yourself.

    • Pull yourself up by your boot straps, do what you have to calm your own inner insecurities, and lead. No one else can do it for you. And, it is essential to you, your team, your company and your community that you succeed, fabulously!

RESOURCE APPS: Asana Rebel, Calm - self care thru yoga, meditation, and music

2. EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE - Listen to the experts and do what they say!

    • Find out from experts the best plans to address the situation.

    • Read everything. Not to cause more panic, but to empower you to prepare.

    • Discern what options best suit your particular business situation:

      • Does remote work make sense?

      • Do cleanliness protocols need to be adjusted?

      • Do you need to adjust customer relationships?

      • Do you have a support system for yourself?

    • Decide, set deadlines and act!

RESOURCE: Center for Disease Control - government updates regularly

3. COMMUNICATE REGULARLY - Connect through regular updates to your team!

    • Your reassurance that you are in charge, will allay their fears that the situation is out of control.

    • Employ the 3 "C"s of Communication:

      • Be Concise, Clear and Consistent.

      • Do not sugar coat.

      • Do not prevaricate.

      • Do not down play or over amp the situation. Both are harmful.

      • Be straight. Be fearless. Be strong!

RESOURCE:8 Strategies to Set Up a Remote Workforce” - Fast Company


    • You were elevated to a leadership role for a reason.

    • You started your business or were promoted to a position of responsibility because of trust in your ability to lead. Now, is the true test of that skill!

    • Your team want to follow you out of the proverbial burning building.

    • It is human nature to follow those who show the way.

    • Forge a path and move forward! Your team will thank you for it!

5. CREATE A SUPPORT TEAM - Leaders need a support system too!

    • Band together with leaders in your own organization or in other similar organizations.

    • Connect with other leaders and build an eco system of support or strengthen the one(s) you may already have.

    • Ideation is more effective if there is a diversity of thought!

    • You do not have to shoulder your responsibilities alone. We are all in this together!

6. LISTEN TO YOUR TEAM - They need you to hear their concerns!

    • Let them weigh in on what they are most concerned about. You are a leader not a therapist, but in times of extreme change or difficulty just listening to your team will help them balance.

    • Give them an opportunity to be an active part of your solution(s) to the situation.

    • When they trust you are "with them"; they will be "with you" and become great assets in whatever situational changes you need to employ to weather this disruption.

RESOURCE:7 Tips to Manage Coronavirus Anxiety Now!” - Psychology Today

7. TAKE ACTION & DELEGATE - Brainstorm with your team!

    • Create action plans; gather the forces of your collective hive; ideate; delegate and assign tasks to your team.

    • Think of creative ways to keep your business on track and at the same time allow your team to feel valued and essential (which in truth they are) to keeping the business afloat so that when the disruption does end (and it will), the company will still be there for all of you.

    • Make sure to clarify that all changes are temporary.

    • Set deadlines.

    • Review and repeal or extend, as needed.

    • Communicate clearly that the goal is, eventually, to get "back to normal" so that you don't wind up with unsustainable temporary practices (i.e., remote work) that become permanent.

    • Stay open to the idea that in the midst of change you might find a more efficient, productive way to conduct business. That would be what we call "the icing on the cake"!

8. DON'T LOSE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR - Humor is a critical leadership tool!

    • Laughter, even in the darkest of times, is important. Not to minimize the situation, but to create the camaraderie that you are all in this together, and you will all weather this together.

    • The benefit of humor in the face of adversity is that your team has an opportunity to learn that by fighting adversity together they will become more invested in and better attuned to one another.

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane”. - Robert Frost - QUOTES!

BOTTOM LINE - You want to lead in a manner that makes your company and your team stronger through the experience. And, if you stay open on how to navigate this disruption, you could find some beneficial tools that will enhance how you run your operation long term.

Times of change are often scary. But, if you can overcome the uncertainty, panic or fear, and look at this as a growth opportunity, then, you and your team can excel through the disruption instead of letting it bury you beneath it.

My best words of encouragement are borrowed from one of my business partners. Whenever, I get a bit "off track" or unsure, she always reiterates "you got this!".

Let me encourage you by stating the same. You do have this. You can lead through this challenging time. And, you will create a stronger, more vibrant and dynamic team by doing so.

Leadership is never more critical (or lacking) when it comes to an emergency. Step up and be counted amongst those who rose to the occasion. Your team and your business will thank you for it!

You are responsible! And, you've got this! I promise you!

For more tips on Leadership, Management in a Crisis, Creativity in the Workplace, and streamlining your business, please follow the Koncept Management LLC blog.

OR; schedule a FREE Strategy Call via our contact page. KM llc is here to help!

Karen Criswell, CEO of Koncept Management LLC built from the ground up and lead the Dreamworks Studios Emergency Response Team for 10 years. During her tenure as Vice-President of Operations at Dreamworks, she was trained to CERT: Level 3 and served as a Division Leader on the Universal City studio lot as part of NBC/Universal’s Disaster Preparedness Team which was honored with a FEMA Award of Excellence in 2011.


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