Deep Dive Dynamics
Recommended for projects and/or work environments needing a bottom up in-depth review to assist in shifting and elevating the culture and communication within the team, with an eye toward elevating the bottom line. Excellent way for a CEO or Executive to re-engage and re-ignite their connection to their team. TIER THREE requires a larger time commitment from the entire work group to be successful.
MAY INCLUDE: (variable to suit specific needs)
Background Call: Up to (1) hour on the specifics of the “ask”: challenge vs. outcome (FREE)
Time Frame: Up to (3) months of in-depth review and analysis of subject area(s)
Bi-Weekly Check-Ins: (2) 30-minute touchpoint conversations with CEO/Executive(s)
Team Specific: Employ “How We Work” Survey to align individual vs. company aspirations
Group Meetings: 1-2 weeks of curated one-on-one or small group discovery meetings
Written “Path Forward”: recommendations for maintenance of “building blocks” discovered in process and suggestions for capitalizing on positive ideas that grow from this organic approach to relationship building
Wrap Up: up to (3) 1x hour follow-up call(s) on how to maintain/proceed
10% discount for Taos, NM residents. Travel and add’l expenses not included.
Recommended for projects and/or work environments needing a bottom up in-depth review to assist in shifting and elevating the culture and communication within the team, with an eye toward elevating the bottom line. Excellent way for a CEO or Executive to re-engage and re-ignite their connection to their team. TIER THREE requires a larger time commitment from the entire work group to be successful.
MAY INCLUDE: (variable to suit specific needs)
Background Call: Up to (1) hour on the specifics of the “ask”: challenge vs. outcome (FREE)
Time Frame: Up to (3) months of in-depth review and analysis of subject area(s)
Bi-Weekly Check-Ins: (2) 30-minute touchpoint conversations with CEO/Executive(s)
Team Specific: Employ “How We Work” Survey to align individual vs. company aspirations
Group Meetings: 1-2 weeks of curated one-on-one or small group discovery meetings
Written “Path Forward”: recommendations for maintenance of “building blocks” discovered in process and suggestions for capitalizing on positive ideas that grow from this organic approach to relationship building
Wrap Up: up to (3) 1x hour follow-up call(s) on how to maintain/proceed
10% discount for Taos, NM residents. Travel and add’l expenses not included.
Recommended for projects and/or work environments needing a bottom up in-depth review to assist in shifting and elevating the culture and communication within the team, with an eye toward elevating the bottom line. Excellent way for a CEO or Executive to re-engage and re-ignite their connection to their team. TIER THREE requires a larger time commitment from the entire work group to be successful.
MAY INCLUDE: (variable to suit specific needs)
Background Call: Up to (1) hour on the specifics of the “ask”: challenge vs. outcome (FREE)
Time Frame: Up to (3) months of in-depth review and analysis of subject area(s)
Bi-Weekly Check-Ins: (2) 30-minute touchpoint conversations with CEO/Executive(s)
Team Specific: Employ “How We Work” Survey to align individual vs. company aspirations
Group Meetings: 1-2 weeks of curated one-on-one or small group discovery meetings
Written “Path Forward”: recommendations for maintenance of “building blocks” discovered in process and suggestions for capitalizing on positive ideas that grow from this organic approach to relationship building
Wrap Up: up to (3) 1x hour follow-up call(s) on how to maintain/proceed
10% discount for Taos, NM residents. Travel and add’l expenses not included.